Thread: split rims
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Old 11-06-2012, 12:22 AM   #12
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Re: split rims

I haven't seen them worked on in a shop since the 70's. When I work for Kelly-Springfield (in the 70's) they showed us, more like made us watch, a movie reenactment of a loose split rim catastrophe. The head came right of of the human-sized dummy. Needless to say, I opted not to work on them. I was still young and wild, and a head full of last night would've probably eliminated any tomorrows for me. The last shop I worked at, a Firestone outfit, wouldn't even roll a split-rim equipped vehicle into the shop, let alone write a service order. We couldn't even check or set the air pressure.

A fine bit of yesteryear, best left to memories. A set of regular steelies or some nice alloys are pretty much the norm.
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