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Old 11-06-2012, 10:48 PM   #1
But Found Her 25yrs Later!
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How To - 3/4 Ton - Converting to a 14bolt

CaptainFab has been making these for the larger diameter axles such as the 14-Bolt used in Gm 3/4+ Ton Trucks from 1973 to 1987?
Captain will know more specifics.
Either way, I have been asked by several members how I went about converting my 66 3/4 to a 14-Bolt.

CaptainFab's Perches/Seats/Saddles

I layout much of the 'How To' in my 66 Build Thread, but I figured I'd make a dedicated thread where others could ask questions and share experiences.

So, I'll layout how I did mine.

14-Bolt Ready to grind off Leaf Spring Perch's:


Leaf Perch's and Shock Mounts ground off:

Here is CaptainFab's Trailing Arm Perch - Fits Perfect:

I lost my 65 - Found it 25 years later:

66 C20 Service Truck:
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