Originally Posted by rmccloye
I currently have 4.10 rear end gears in my truck. I live in a pretty hilly part of AR. Anyone have any idea what gear size is right? How does 3.08 gears, 3 on the tree w/2.94 first gear and 29.5 inch tires sound?
I'm not a heavy foot driver by the way
it would help if you told us why you want to change.
actually, if you're not going to be driving interstate speeds then I'd think the 4.10s would be fine for those hills. 3.08s wouldn't be as good for pulling hills. 3.73 would probably be better, all around.
what year truck is it (looks like a '64-'66)? makes a difference if it's a '60-62, I think, as to the ratios available, because it wouldn't be a "12 bolt".
you can play around with the gear calculators here: