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Old 11-09-2012, 10:59 PM   #44
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Re: price of NOS parts

Originally Posted by f.monroe View Post
I have bought many NOS parts and have many sitting on shelfs in the garage. I like GM pieces and will pay more for them if I need them. Your blanket statement will anger some here so I do not understand why you have made that same comment two different times here lately. These pieces will probably show up on some very nice trucks. I am glad that there are individuals that are restoring these trucks with the correct trim and sheet metal. You can definitely tell one that's restored right when it's parked next to a truck that has aftermarket sheet metal and trim. The exterior trim and interior pieces do not compare in fit or finish to the real stuff. The good thing about some of this high priced stuff that's showing up on Ebay is that if you don't like the price, you don't have to buy it but that's no reason to insult those that do.
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Stated like a true gentleman. I feel that if I had deep enough pockets I would justify myself to buy said parts but that was after I done some shopping around.
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