Finally got the rear window in and wired, and it is fantastic! I'm sure that some of you know about the old school powr-lite kits released in the early 80's by CR Laurence:
As soon as I saw pictures of it on this forum, I knew I had to have one.
Obviously, not the easiest part to find, so decided to build my own using the same design. I built the frame based on the shape of the original slider window so I could use the factory gasket to mount it.
I got some U-channel and cut and welded it to match the contour of the steel frame and fit some universal window track inside.
I bought a blazer tailgate motor/regulator so move the glass and I was just about to get the pane of glass cut when the unbeliveable happened. I came across a guy selling a NOS kit on CL. The price was right, so we made a deal and I headed down to pick it up. I hadn't realized how long of a drive it was from Vancouver to Idaho, but it was totally worth it.

Unfortunately, when I popped the old window the frame was a little crunchy:

I've seen worse, and I probably could have fixed it myself, but as mentioned in previous posts - I hate bodywork. So off to the shop it went to get fixed up:
So cracking open the box, here's what I got -
My neighbour who helped me put it in doing his best Vanna impression
The gasket was slipped on the window frame, the rope was put into the gasket flage and slid into the truck:
It was a tight fit on the bottom corners and needed a bit of massaging to get the gasket sealed to the body, and other than the rope getting stuck on the driver side
(which I almost herniated myself trying to finally pull the rope out)

it went in well over all. A quick bench test later, and voila!
As for the wiring, I would like to meet the person who designed the pass-through for the power door wiring and punch him in the nose. Idk why they couldn't have lined up the hole in the cab with where the wires come through under the dash. Anyone who has had to fish wires through there knows what I'm talking about. After removing the rubber accordion and cutting a few fingertips and knuckles, I got the wires in.
The switch that came in the kit didn't really impress so I decided to use a factory GM window switch to keep things as stock looking as possible.

So the order of the switches are: locks, side windows then rear window. I wish there was a GM switch that has “REAR” printed on it like the lock switch. If anyone has seen one or knows where to get something like that, please let me know.