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Old 11-10-2012, 09:55 AM   #6
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Re: 66 step pro street build

The motor was in my race car,it's a gm 502 block bored 4.5.Ohio crank forged rotating assy.
I will have to swap the pistons out they JE 14.1 42cc dome.I will go with 10.5 11.00 cr pistons for the street.rhs alum heads 2.30 intake and 1.88 eh. ferria ss valves.lunait solid cam,738-756 with 292 dur. and 4/7 swap.Merlin x intake with a 1050 dom. carb.built it myself two years ago.Ran 5.60 in the 1/8 mile with a 2600 lb 76 camaro.Got tried of racing and wanted to get back to playing on the street some ,should be able to do both with the truck.!!!! Think i will leave the 12 bolt in it,unless I can find a good dana 60.I know some of the 67/72 trucks had a dana in them.The motor is all studded mains and heads with arp studs.I have some build pics of the motor if you would like to see.
Go Fast and Have Fun.!!

My pro street build,
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