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Old 11-10-2012, 01:00 PM   #32
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Re: 68 C10 SBSS build - start to finish

Another mod I wanted to make was to the side marker lights. I'd decided early on that I'd prefer to smooth out the lights by moving them behind the fenders instead of mounting them on top as they come from the factory. I started out researching LED light assemblies that could be flush mounted, but was turned off by the cost and procedural issues. If you ever have a diode go bad and the assembly is glued, you're screwed.

So instead of LED's I reused the stock lights by sectioning out about 3/4" and joining them back together. I sent my buddy Steve Smith from Sedalia a .dxf file with a drawing of the plates I would need to cover the existing openings. He had them laser cut for me out of .063" mild steel plate. I then welded them into the openings and after a lot of work with a hammer and dolly and a shrinking disc, I had the look I wanted.

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