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Old 11-11-2012, 12:25 AM   #5319
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Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Originally Posted by VWNate1 View Post
Jason ;

I'm sorry to hear this , my Stepmother was found several days after she fell , still alive but she never regained counciousness and passed away last week .

Life isn't fair , go call that old freind NOW before it's to late ~ I called Keith about 5 days before he decided to leave us and go to be with Joan again , I'm *very* glad we talked as I'll mis him for the rest of my days .
Thanks wife( Patsy) and his wife Shelia text back and forth every day so we keep up.Their cousins.Plus I stop in about every 2 or 3 days.

Sorry to hear about your stepmother were ya'll close?

Went to a cruise in and swap meet today.Drove the wifes Camry, not expecting to buy anything, and run across a set of tires for the truck.Just about new tires and wheels for $400.00.Couldn't get them because of the car and no body lived close enough to me.

Need my butt kicked for not driving the 72.
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