Originally Posted by Graham57a
I kinda have the Chevy brother to your truck. Except mine isn't a super and it doesn't have a tilt  Very nice find, and as far as the restoration??? I'd say it looks done to me 
Very nice Truck Sir!!!

I will have to come to you for some Q&A. As for restoration...lots of cleaning & TLC, trim, interior, some body work, and lots of bonding time with my son..."Priceless"
Originally Posted by chevjayfsd
I saw you pulling it today down I20... Good find!
Thanks, little windy yesterday....even for a West Texan to be pulling a Truck!
Originally Posted by SS Tim
Great that confirms what I have. The question is, was the 524 Red Orange (and two-tones) a regular color for GMC in '71-71? Or was it not generally available on line trucks as per Ditzler's color charts?
Was it a Sierra Grande offering only for GMCs?
Thank you SS Tim for helping me with the "553" code & thank you all for the kind words. I hope I don't ask to many redundant questions...I will try to search first!!!