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Old 11-11-2012, 12:44 PM   #381
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Re: My '67 Fleetside C10 renew

More great tips!
I knew I didn't need hi-build inside but I thought it'd cover some of the tiny scratch marks and imperfections and that I'd simply be able to scotchbrite the whole lot and be done. The orange peel is what screwed me and I should have stopped. There are a lot of compound inside radiuses in there!! Can't use a block to sand the bottom of a cereal bowl.
So.... beyond the obvious, I'm also shooting the door panels, firewall, backside of the fenders and under side of the hood all in Butternut. Bed wood will be finished with spar or similar. The top and back around the rear window will be white. I'm guessing a quart will be a $hit-ton of white (gotta do outside window frames on the doors too). How much butter ya think I'll need. The cross-fire is around $200ish for a gallon. If I gotta buy three straight away, that'll take me to the end of the second quarter in funds. The paint dude said that the cross-fire isn't accurate enough to exactly match an OEM color (blend) but will match itself very well. He also said that the colors are typically a tiny bit lighter than the good stuff and it won't cover quite as well. I'd sure like to just pick up a gallon at a time but don't want it to look like a quilt when I'm done!

Headed out to light the fire

P.S. "is that what you call it in WA?" That's funny right there, I don't care who you are.
'77 K30 3+3 - "The Crummy"
'67 C10 L/SWB - Soon to be daily driver!
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