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Old 11-11-2012, 05:41 PM   #2
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Re: Ol John Lee gets his rear cylinders reamed and rebuilt

ASE Master Certified Parts Washer hard at work again....

PB blaster and a Big Wrench to pull the anchor bolt. Time for a clean up on removal. Not strictly necessary but provides more work space later, ye'll see.

Pistons and cups are retained by ears on the backing plates, loosen the cylinder and move it slightly outboard to make room to drive out the pistons and hone the cylinder.

Cylinder bore is about what I expected. Pistons are Okay but really, I think I'll break down at the replumb and just put on all new cylinders. For now...hone it out.

Dosn't take much....a bit of break fluid, 240g hone and moderate RPM. Just a light cut to clean up the cylinders...can't take all the pits out but they ain't deep enough to cause too much trouble anyway...we'll see, if it don't leak then I ain't a liar, I'm a prophet.

Its a four handed job holding in two pistons and cups and a spring while keeping the caps in place long enough to slide it back tween the ears and get the screws into the cylinder thru the backing plate...easier to type than to actually do...

Oh yeah, we swarfed out the bleed hole and the inlet hole with pipe cleaners before reassembly.

Last edited by Sharps40; 11-11-2012 at 06:06 PM.
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