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Old 11-11-2012, 05:51 PM   #3
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Re: Ol John Lee gets his rear cylinders reamed and rebuilt

Anchor bolt back in place, threads greased and snugged back up, super snug.

Starting the reassembly, long shoe to the rear, eclip the Ebrake lever to the shoe. Of all the parts in the hardware kit I bought, only the Eclip and the shoe holddown springs are a fit. All the rest of the springs are too long, too short, too fat, too skinny, not enough coils, etc. So, we reused all the old springs.

Everything in position and a final squeeze to compress the pistons and position all the parts.

From here we lather, rinse and repeat for the other side. We blead each cylinder 5 times to make sure its clear and to push new fluid down into the lines. Pretty much went thru a pint of break fluid to sorta flush and refill the lines as we go. After that, adjusted the breaks, took a ride with lotsa hard stops and the pedal went down about 2/3. From there, we adjusted the shoes again, plenty of clearance now everything is in place and moving back and forth like its supposed to and so, pulling up the shoes again brought the pedal up solid. I can feel the breaks come in quick and maintain about 2/3 pedal height on a hard stop during the second test ride. Next test ride is tomorrow, off the the Game Lands to hunt again...leak free and confident this'll hold for as long as needed till the replumb happens.

Crawled up front and adjusted the Ebrake a bit tighter and thats that, time for Bourbon and Coke and a Bon Fire.
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