Ok, back on the project again

Last week started again and got the passenger side window working on the power regulator as well which is sweet to be close to moving on to the rest of the top stuff. Now, I am almost done building up the raised waistline all around the truck, just found 2 more rusted up doors to slash. So i am ready to start the back end of the top with the last bow that has the tack down strip section.
What i need to know is, since i sold my fiberglass hardtop a couple years ago and can't measure off it, what is the angle on the back of the topper where the hatch door is? My guess is around 70 degrees? I'm looking at going 60 degress or higher towards 70 depending on the looks..
If someone has a protractor and could give me a rough estimate that would be great to see how close to stock i can get the rear angle to look clean..