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Old 11-13-2012, 10:44 AM   #1
Sixteen Tons
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Monojet thoughts

Started rebuilding the stock Monojet on my 69 C10 (I6-250) last night, with a great kit from Mike's Carburetor Parts, so far so good, it was filthy inside and out so it's getting a good long soak. Anyway, as I was preparing to do all this, I did a bit of research and while over at the Stovebolt site I read that in their opinion a two carb progressive system is really optimal for the I6 engines. My understanding is that it compensates for some of the limitations of the original single barrel carbs shortcomings at low speeds. At this point I'm going to finish my rebuild and reinstall what I have, but what are everyones thought on a future upgrade to run a two carb progressive set up or even a two barrel carb, which I'm guessing falls somewhere between option 1 & option 2? I'm looking for a solid daily driver that runs well and as efficent as possible, not a 1/4 mile beast. Thanks and I look forward to the insights.
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