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Old 11-13-2012, 12:13 PM   #1456
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Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?

Originally Posted by NEWFISHER View Post
Sin, You could post pic's of your truck geting groceries and I would stare at it. Picking up a cool little chop is bad azz too!

I was up til 1 am wrestling seat covers onto the frames. Fingers are sore from pulling and hog ringing!
haha thanks Fisher !.. My wife has actually taken the truck to buy groceries a few times. I keep asking her to take pics in the parking lot but she just rolls her eyes .lol...

Man i know what you're fingers are feeling. I volunteered to help a buddy with his seats and it wasn't easy. We were so tired by the end of it that we didn't even drink the 6 pack we bought to celebrate.
Sin7 = Luis

1959 Apache
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