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Old 11-13-2012, 07:11 PM   #139
'57 Rosa
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Location: Fitzgerald,GA
Posts: 162
Re: My '57 Truck Build "Rosa"

Okay guys, time for an update. I cleaned my shop up and organized all my tools AGAIN last week. (Something about having a 7 year old and tools falling off the boards into Today, I finished massaging the lower hinge pocket panel. Hopefully, I can tack it tomorrow. I also, was able to remove the old, inner hinge pocket panel. Any of you guys that have replace these, should know that they are a B***H to get out and to get the repops fitted. I was able to get the area cleaned up fairly nice. I will take pictures tomorrow. It really feels nice to get back in the shop.
My '57 Truck Build "Rosa" (Current Project)
2003 Dodge Dakota 4X4 (Daily Driver)

Only two defining forces have ever died for us: CHRIST died for our salvation and VETERANS died for our freedoms. Glorify CHRIST and thank VETERANs
Dru~ USN Retired
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