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Old 11-13-2012, 10:03 PM   #5
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Re: Big back window conversion part 1

Now its time to look at the new inner and outer portions of the BBW panels.

1. I got these parts from a warehouse in AZ called

2. The outter skin $401.95, the inner wall plus two internal bracing posts $200.95. Shipping $165 truck freight to my door.

3. The stampings on these parts are of very good quality.

4. The inner wall corners come with the door latch striker mounting brackets already attached. These will need to be cut out as i am not cutting out the original striker plates. Leave the outer curved wings attached (do not cut)

5. I have attached a photo of what the bracing should look like from rear of cab with only inner wall installed. Take note of the tack welds holding the bracing on upper corners of inner back window panel and the plate portion covering the door latch striker plates. you may have to save picture and then enlarge to see the tack welds.

6. This is as far as i have gotten. I need to find out if i have to trim the front facing sheet metal that goes directly behind outter pillar or if its supposed to be there.
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