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Old 11-15-2012, 09:52 PM   #394
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Re: My '67 Fleetside C10 renew

Things are going better for me here tonight! Just had to walk away and think! Keep the paper fresh, go SLOW and EASY! $hit's peelin right off and leaving a real nice finish.

Even at the P240 I'm seein small spots of metal (fingernail at most) in a few places. Nothing in the big flat areas, just when I get to a hard corner or similar. Think one coat of G2 over that (I'll spot spray the thin spots before my full coat) then wetsand P400 is good?

After the wetsand P400, is it cool to wipe it down with the maroon scotchbrite? I've done that after the P240 just to clean the tan-in-a-can off the crevices and such. Is the maroon pad gonna leave scratches?

Thanks Elco for the Online Autobody Institute!
'77 K30 3+3 - "The Crummy"
'67 C10 L/SWB - Soon to be daily driver!
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