Well, my buddy Bill came by last night and helped bleed the brakes then I set the steering wheel today and ran it to the car wash. I swear it steers better, handles better and rides better with the added unsprung weight in the front. It just feels more planted to the ground now.
The ole dog never got a good washing and rub down after the last fishing/ trail riding trip in early October. My wife got a new camera and today was too beautiful of a day not to snap a bunch of beauty shots with it all cleaned up.
I figured it would turn out with a butt sag so I picked up a set of leaf spring center pin bolts yesterday in order to I install a set of zero rate rear springs this weekend. The zero rates should level it out
Goofing off with the new camera wishing this was taken through the weeds in the desert rather than my driveway.
It’s been a while since I taken any decent power plant pictures so today was as good as any to do so
Yes, I am a nerd to have a decal like this made. It’s all in the details right?
Family portrait with the
Polar Bear Suburban
All of this project progress will be slowing down in the coming months because we just found out after 20 years together and 14 years of marriage, we are expecting our first bundle of joy. We just learned this Monday! We are so excited it isn’t I can’t even explain it. I’m 40 and wife is 38 so we have our fingers and toes crossed for a healthy and uneventful pregnancy and delivery. This will be a huge change to our life for sure but we are so excited! Did I mentioned we are excited?!

Got a bunch of shop projects lined up to get done before the little one shows up so I have been busy ordering parts and what not for the NV4500 swap into the Polar Bear. Hopefully, I’ll get the 8.1L stuffed into the Polar Bear by then too but it will be a close race.