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Old 11-18-2012, 01:20 AM   #2
Man of Mini-Talents
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Re: New Project planning stages, Advise wanted.

Do you have a budget in mind? There's difference between should and have to.
My humble opinion in red below.

Originally Posted by jor1369 View Post
Hey guys,

Been lurking here for several years and I have been getting ideas from all of your builds and threads.

Background and truck

I bought my 71 C10 SWB in 07 and I've been itching to get the project going. I want do a frame off restoration. I have started the disassembly already and I will be concentrating on the frame and then the engine. I suspect it will take me a long time to get this done but thats what I have been wanting to do.

Now the advise I am looking for...

I am probably going with a 4/6 ECE drop. Will i need to get their drop crossmember? No, but you're near the point where a c notch would be worth considering. Since I'm spending your money, I say get the Scott's Hotrods coil spring rear setup.

Should I replace the trailing arms? Not unless you want to. Since I'm spending your money, I say go with the rear end described above.

Should I go through the front suspension as I go or should I just rebuild it all? I say rebuild. It's not that expensive.

Should I replace the differential or just swap the gears? Defer on this until you decide on the engine. If you go ls, then you'll probably get a different trans, which will dictate what gear you want.

I am still torn between rebuilding the current engine "350" and tranny which will probably need everything rebuilt and upgraded or getting a LS. My only concern is the 350 is an easy install compared to an LS. I would like to stay competative on the road with any new model truck. I just want to keep up but not too extreme. What should I go with? You can keep up either way you go. Just depends on what you feel like taking on. Since I'm spending your money, is say ls.

On last question.
What primer/paint to I use for the frame, or should I powdercoat? Depends on how much you want to spend. Blast it and use rattle can Rustoleum. Advantage is it can be touched up easily. Since I'm spending your money, I say powder coat.

Lots of questions, hopefully you guys can guide me in the right direction.

Once I get started I will post a new build tread.

I am limited on space so hopefully I can get through the build without farming out the work.

Thanks guys
Just remember - anything worth doing is worth doing several times till you get it right.
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