Re: Welding Helmets - Best Protection
by far the best helmet ever. i've had mine since 2006, probably has over 5000 hours of actual trigger time. they are the clearest optically and the lightest helmets. ive worn mine for an 18+ hour day welding probably 90% of that time and had no fatigue. not in my eyes or neck. this was also spray arc mig, so it wasn't low intensity. my ONLY complaint is the fibre metal headgear. it is wimpy. they have a new model out that is on my watch list, and they are worth the price. i just have trouble replacing a hood that works flawlessly everyday. if you plan on doing much welding at all i suggest you spend a little on your hood. the better hoods protect your eyes better and that is important. not to mention you can see what you are doing better and that is going to lead to more success in welding. i also disagree with the "bigger is better" view field idea. you only have to see the small spot you are welding. seeing more is a good way to get distracted.
72 K20 12v build
72 K20 "parts truck"