Originally Posted by TxRat
Well I finally bought a truck.
Its a rough 66 with 327 and lots of little issues that I didn't discover until I bought it. ....
I started reading this thread on the first day you opened it, and this clearly has stuck in my head.
It makes me laugh a little as so simple a statement seems for a lot of us to turn into hundreds of man hours in labor, and hundreds to thousands of dollars.
I guess any collection of steel, rubber, glass and wires that have been on the road for 40, almost 50 years (probably 4 or 5 times the expected life span) it is to be expected.
The size of the "issues" and how we approach the resolution is as varied as the people that do these.
That is what makes this web site so awesome.
I wish I could meet each and every builder and their build here, that would be an interesting day indeed !!
Sorry to wax so philosophical on your build, but inspiration strikes us at the most odd of moments, and never in locations of our choosing, eh?
I wish you the best of luck on your truck, if you post it, you know I will read it !!