Originally Posted by jlsanborn
On a side note.......
The Boy is a TARD! I locked one shop key inside and took off to work with the other on my set. Boy needed inside to get his S10 wheels to take to school so he could peel the baldies off. I get a text "you locked me outta the shop". Next text reads "hospital". He tried to jack a window to get inside and had a little "accident". Not sure how many stitches but he goes to see a f**kin surgeon on Monday to see if he lost any tendons or nerves.
That is nasty! Hope every thing is good now. My youngest is 22 and his brain is startin to work pretty good but still kind of retarded sometimes. Saturday he wanted to see what he can get for his 05 GTI so he showes up with a 07 F350 dulley extended cab with a 6.0 for a daily driver I told hem he was nuts and take it back. Sunday he realized I was right and decided to fix the VW.
Kids will drive ya to drink!