Thread: Brake bleeding
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Old 11-20-2012, 09:52 PM   #8
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Re: Brake bleeding

I just did the gravity bleeding about a month ago.
I connected a clear tube to the bleeder valve and ran it into a can with a inch or two of brake fluid in it, so that it couldn't suck air back in.
I cracked the bleeder valves
pumped the brakes a few times
added new brake fluid to the master
and repeated until I had a nice flow of fluid with no bubbles
closed bleeders
topped off master
took it for a test drive around the farm, all was well.
It took about 20 minutes (the bleeding)
I had replaced wheel cylinders and about half of the hard lines, which is why I think it went smoothly. When I had disconnected the lines they were full of junk/muddy looking stuff.
Many toys, not enough time to play!

My youngest son and I picked up a 69 Chevy C-10 on 1/7/22, this is my second 69, it was 10 years ago that I had my other one. So I’m back!!!
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