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Old 11-20-2012, 11:11 PM   #42
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Re: Building My Grandfather's 64 C10

Having that engine sitting in the garage (now wrapped in plastic wrap), waiting to go in, has me working harder than ever to finish this up. With Thanksgiving coming, looks like I'll see my Uncle for the first since I picked up the truck. He's pretty excited about the progress I've made and looking forward to seeing some pics of the truck.

Wanted to post a few pics of the past few days of work before heading off to NC to see the family.

The goal over the past few days has been to finish the firewall and cab floor behind where the engine will be and above the trans. Over the last few weeks I stripped the bottom of the cab between the frame rails. It looked like it had been coated with about 5 cans of undercoating. Took me almost 4 hours just to get it all off, not including the time spent sanding afterwards. I sprayed the floor with some 3M undercoating. Really impressed with this stuff, cured faster than any undercoating I've ever used and looks great.

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Wet sanded the firewall and sprayed with some bug bomb. It was Rustoleum satin black from Lowes with the funky sprayer on it. Expensive, but it lays down better than any spray paint I've used and has a great finish.

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I finished patching up a few places in my core support today and hit it with some filler primer. Gonna spend some time wet sanding tomorrow and hope to spray with Rustoleum tomorrow afternoon before hitting the road.

Almost forgot... I fabbed up some trailing arms out of 2"x2"x.25" box tubing Sunday night. Just need to find some weld-on bushings and I'll be set. As soon as I finish up the trailing arms I'm gonna clean up the rearend and slap it all together.

Happy Thanksgiving!
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