Spicer Hubs and Parts
#1 Spicer Big Hub parts lot..lots of good used parts, everything goes! 300.00 plus shipping. Includes, 12 hub bodies 18 retainers 16 axle gears 8 cam actuators 17 housing gears 13 springs 20 rear bushings 70 cap screw bolts 66 conical washers 3 knob pins 10 knob retaining rings 3 knob seals 10 cam retaining rings.
#2 Spicer Hubs, Yellow knobs with very nice retainers, NOS axle gears and rear bushings 200.00 plus shipping
#3 Spicer NOS 1/2 Ton retainers with Blue knobs, 12 cap screws, 12 bronze seal washers, 2 retainer seals and 2 knob seals ALL NOS! 325.00 plus shipping
#4 Spicer NOS 3/4 Ton Big Hub retainer, Blue knob and seal ALL NOS! 200.00 plus shipping
#5 Spicer Big Hub retainer, this is a very nice retainer..if it was used it wasnt on a truck for very long. This one is GM second design o-ring seal and comes with the correct o-ring..accepts all knobs even Ford. 50.00 plus shipping
#6 Spicer 1/2 Ton retainer seals [o-rings] I have 4 pair left, 10 per pair shipped.
Pics #1
1972 C/30 133" W.B. C&C
1970 GMC 3500 157" W.B. single wheel C&C