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Old 11-22-2012, 09:33 AM   #3
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Smile Re: change of plans re: transmission

Originally Posted by 63burban4x4 View Post
DANG! he just called to tell me he sold it!! I shoulda went this morning!

Oh well, NEVER MIND! (actually, it's still probably a good idea, I'll just never find another for that price!)
The good and the bad...
Those od's are nice--when working properly. I've had 2 vehicles w/them. Install a 2nd dimmer switch in the floor, wire it up to override the governor, use dimmer to actuate at any speed, and have od in each gear--giving 6 gears in all! Get from zero up to hwy speeds w/o exceeding much more than 12-1500 rpm's, depending on rear gear. BTW: They are 70% od, meaning if using a 4.11 gear, when in od, engine sees a 2.88 gear(4.11X70% = 2.88).

Keep in mind, tho', if something like just a solenoid fails, they are nearly impossible to find. I "got rid of" one of those trannies about 2 years ago, telling buyer it had a bad solenoid. Last I talked to him, he still has not found one. (I'm sure he would "dispose of" the trans--altho' shipping would probably be quite much to anywhere due to weight.)

Answering 1-2 of your ?'s: pull out the lockout lever/cable & have a normal 3-speed. Wiring schematics are readily available.

And they aren't the most robust trannies out there!
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