After I completed the engine to my standards I wanted a little extra audio. But I ended up going bigger then expected :S.
It all started by putting in a new deck and new Kenwood 3" Speakers in the dash but I blew those quick.
Deck: JVC KDR900

(I never had a picture of it)
So after the deck went in I wanted to have more Boom Boom So I installed four 6" Subwoofers behind my seat along with two 8" Mids with two tweeters. (Tight Squezze)
Here are pictures of the build. Made with Russian Birch Plywood!
Also forgot about my Clarion 4 channel amp which did wonders for awhile.
Here is a picture right before I started to add more. I also Switched out the 6" woofers with four more that are alot different and more powerful.
Thats all for now next post will be about my 21" Subwoofer Build....Yes 21" 5000watts!
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