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Old 11-23-2012, 01:12 PM   #13
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Question Re: Vent Window Seal Help!!!

Originally Posted by LDO View Post
Sam, a new channel came with the assemblies already installed.

The gap pictured is the horizontal line going from where the vent window curves to the division post. There is a small gap going up along the door edge but not as bad. I can actually look down and see the spring assembly.

Sorry for the bad pic angle but it was the only way to photograph the gap.

The assembly does open and close properly though.

I am going to try adjusting the mohnt points to see if i cant close that gap a little.
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Thx for reply. I'm really thick today: so it would help if somehow magically the bottom of the division bar were to move MOSTLY toward the outside of the door, as Ta2Don suggested, as well as moving straight downward a BIT?

AND: do you have plenty of overlapping seal at the top front corner of the vent-glass area to allow for lowering and/or tilting of the entire assembly?

The reason I'm trying to understand, so precisely, is that "my" bodyman/painter is probably the best, at both skills, I've encountered over the years; and I want to take him these pics AND be able to explain to him those things not so apparent in the pics. His experience and expertise in building rods AND in restoring to original are priceless in my opinion; and if anyone has encountered this issue or has intuition about a solution, he is one man who does, and he will share with us.
Hoping you will beat me to the solution,

**All beyond here contains my ranting--probably enough for all of US in this forum as well as those less fortunate who SHOULD be in here!**

LDO's dilemna makes me SO realize how unknowingly fortunate I was to find an alternative, & avoided buying new, when doing my '66. When my used ones from Ebay arrived & I saw they still needed to be reconditioned, altho' solid--my frames were rusted beyond repair-- I thought I had erred. Yet when I finished re-doing them with a few new parts, a few of my old ones, and some of the used Ebay-ones, the total cost was waaaaay less than even one of what I honestly believe is an unfair price they make us pay.

There must be only one co. producing these things, and that co. recognizes it has a monopoly. I stand to be corrected if wrong; but having been around mfg. and fabbing all my life, I don't see justification for such price or cost. Having no reason to doubt an earlier poster who told us this non-fitment is normal, apparently they don't spend much on quality control! (Also sounds like a p-o had already replaced yours, LDO, with these non-fitting repro's.) This may be an existing market someone in our fine group may wish to enter: make some of these, THAT FIT, and enjoy the lucrative venture.
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