Thread: I'm almost done
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Old 10-22-2003, 10:59 PM   #1
my new 72
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I'm almost done

Yep thats right I'm almost done with the 68. It ran today, and we took it around the block for a little fun. That 385 breaths sooo much better with headers. From a dead stop I hammered it down and lit it up for 20ft. And on the way back we stopped just in front of the house and lit it up nice and long and smoked out the street. I can't wait to change out the 3.07 for the 3.73. It chirpes the tires running through the gears now, just wait till after the swap. All I have left to do is put in the poppers and solenoids and the power windows and I'm golden.
I'm going to Law School, wanna debate? It's good practice.
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