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Old 11-24-2012, 11:03 PM   #1
big bad orange
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Unhappy Sorry guys and gals another brake thread

So for the last 2 week I noticed I would have to pump my brakes to get any real stopping power.I found that my rear driver wheel cylinder was leaking so I replaced the wheel cylinder and the hardware for that side( The shoes where fine and I did NOT touch the other side). After I got the wheel cylinder installed I wanted to try to bleed them to get the truck home (8:00 pm) . Well I must have pumped for 5 minutes and could not get pressure to the rear So I called it a night.
Sat morning I took the lines off the MC to see if it was good and was not so I replaced that and bled it on the truck since I did not having a vice. we got a little pressure to the pedal but not much. I then decided to un hook the lines from the proportioning valve to see if it was good. Well when greg pushed the pedal a thing came out the back end of the proportioning valve. and I called it a day.
so tomorrow I am going to check the lines for leakes but is there a way to clean and reassemble the proportioning valve because I need this truck up and running by tuesday. I looked at about 50 treaded but I did not find a way to clean and fix the p valve. It s on a 1972 c10 manual brakes disk/ drum. Thanks as always
just like that old Johnny Cash song. "One piece at a time and I am go na make an old C10 mine a look at all your faces when I drive through your town"
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