Thanks for the pictures, guys. Much appreciated.
It was too dark by the time i got home and not worth teh hassle of taking a light out to it (cant drive it, i ripped hte driveshaft out to replace the carrier bearing).
Going by memory, i think i might have to make a mount or adapter for it.
It seems your plungers/rods are different than mine, or you have an adapter i don't have or havent found.
I ordered this one with that plunger (notice it says picture may not be exact model)
but, i ended up getting one shipped to me that looks like this:
a bit annoyed since i went out of my way to find a brake booster with that specific rod/plunger and i get the same one i had found elsewhere. oh well, will just have to find a way to make it work.
i didn't properly try yet, but maybe i can remove the plunger from teh brake booster and recycle the plunger i have from the master cylinder.