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Old 11-25-2012, 12:52 PM   #13
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Re: 1966 service id label glovebox lets see them

Originally Posted by VictoriaHardware View Post
Regarding the "Engine Conversion" , I have a '66 C10 with a 292 Built in Fremont and delivered to a California dealer. It does not have any "engine conversion" listed on the glove box, but does list "K19XM Exhaust Emission Eq" . The engine compartment is unmolested and still has the AIR pump on it.
So, does it make sense to say that if the Fremont, CA built trucks were delivered to CA dealers, then the smog equip was standard, but if shipped to other states that did not have smog requirements, then the "engine conversion" was essentially removing all smog stuff?
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