Thread: 3r!c84 build
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Old 11-26-2012, 11:13 PM   #636
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Re: 3r!c84 build

sorry for the long wait guys. got the truck back 3 days before we where leaving for the huge daytona turkey rod run we go to every year. busted ass and got it all togeather. got it back no bumpers, trim, rear glass, no interior, lights, and had to fix some electrical issues. got it all done on thanksgiving day to leave that night after dinner. 200 mile trip each way

nothing inside

dad out helping

everything in

quick test make sure she still had it

cleaning up the stock wheels to ride up there with. and i brought the 17inch rims with me to swap out once i got up there. the rear tires didnt have alot of life left and was planning on burning them all the way down while up there
Think outside the box?
-84c10 (1stcar)→My Build
-00 Saturn 5spd

drop a gear and disappear!

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