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Old 10-23-2003, 04:54 PM   #6
79 stepside
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Sunnyvale, Texas
Posts: 11
First time visit, my exact problem

I crawled out from under my p/u, cleaned off my hands, hopped on the internet, found your site, registered, typed in my search, and found an EXACT picture of my problem with the instructions on how to do it. First thread I looked at too! I'm impressed and also grateful! Too late to go to the parts store today, but will do the dis-assembly today and get the parts in the morning. I can see the fluid oozzing out of the weephole. I'm going to look for a thread on driveshaft removal, and hope for the same luck.
Thank yall!

Thanks for the welcome below. I've bookmarked the site, and WILL spend much time here I'm sure. Bought my truck brand new in '79, and will have it forever. Lots of sentimental value, as I basically grew up in it.

Last edited by 79 stepside; 10-23-2003 at 11:21 PM.
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