Originally Posted by Lee H
So, you removed the line from the carb and little or no fuel came out of the line while cranking......before or after the filter?
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Originally Posted by midniteblues
to completely rule out the lines I would attach a rubber line from your gas can directly too the pump then then another rubber line out the pump too another can and crank and see how much it flows then reconnect each line one at a time and note when the flow stops
Originally Posted by RustyBucket
Did the fuel pump push rod slide out? There are two bolt holes on the front pass. side of the block. The top one can be used to lock the pump rod if a longer 3/8" shank bolt is screwed into the threaded hole. Maybe somebody put a bolt that's too long in the hole and it's got the the push rod stuck..... maybe?
Lee H. -- I pulled the line between the pump and the carb, it is a metal tube up to just above where the intake manifold meets the block... Then it turns to rubber and in the rubber is an inline filter... I pulled the hose off of the filter on the pump side and I was able to get about 1/4 of a cup of fuel in less than 10 seconds and then it was like the pump lost its prime and it stopped pumping fuel all together. A few more turns on the key and she pumped again...
Midniteblues -- That is a good idea, I will try that tonight... I also called a buddy of mine that is the manager at the local parts store and told him that I think I got a bad fuel pump off the shelf, he has another one so I am going to take it out again and eliminate that as the issue.
Rustybucket -- There is a bolt in the top hole but it isnt long enough to hold the rod... I attempted to use it to hold the rod when I replaced the pump, to no avail...