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Old 11-29-2012, 11:49 AM   #11
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Re: Mechanical Fuel Pump not pumping

Is the float bowl empty on the carb.? .... maybe the needle is stuck in the seat and won't let any fuel in. You said you had pressure at the fuel filter.
As far as watching the delivery, I've got a glass filter on the '66 Plymouth and it's always only about a quarter full when the car's running --- and it always runs fine. Fuel just kinda dribbles in but apparently it keeps up with demand.
Dad always said, "Son, WISH IN ONE HAND, and ......."
Current toy trucks:
'71 GMC 1500 SUPER CUSTOM short/step, orig. dk. blue, 350/700r, ps,pb, A/C
'72 Blazer 2wd, ochre & white, 454, tremecTKO 500 5spd. ps, pb, A/C, tilt

Last 10yrs of hobby vehicles, had a FEW more in the 50yrs. before these:
'66 Plymouth Belvedere City of Miami cop car clone.
'70 Nova 406"sb, 13.5-1, solid roller, Brodix, p.glide/t.brake, back halved, 9" Ford, spool 4.88, cage,ladder bar/coilover, 10.5 tire....... SOLD!!
'67 C10 short/step side mount spare -- SOLD!!
'72 Jimmy 2wd, 350/350, ps, pb, fun driver, lots of bondo & a shiny red paint job..... SOLD!!
'69 Nova 350, 4spd, A/C, ps, p.b, ...SOLD!!
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