Originally Posted by jlsanborn
Still don't know how to INSERT as smooth as Bomp!
(ya, that's a floater, right over the middle) 
Patch work looks good. You need one of these attachments to see it inserted nice and smooth.
oh brother, I can see Low Elco bustin' up over backwards in his chair.

When I mig I leave a slight gap so the wire has decent penetration between the two pieces, then you grind off the excess. More work but you can control the heat issue more easily. If I tig I try to get the metal to butt up dang near perfectly so the use of filler rod won't be needed. Lots more heat and more likely to warp, then you have to go back and hammer and dolly. Usually. Thats just me cause my experience level tiggin sheet metal is rather limited. Now on 3 /16" its a different story.
There ya have it. LE has enough ammo to write a book now.