Originally Posted by ERASER5
Yes and no. The truth is that the overheating is LOAD dependant. If you are running a trouble light, coiling will never be a problem. If you are plugging up an air conditioner, freezer, large battery charger at the same time you will have an issure no matter what. Thinking about what you are doing is the key, making all inclusive rules that rarely apply is not.
Originally Posted by cdowns
biggest thing is the longer the extension cord the heavier gauge wire it should be made of to carry the load without melting// ALOT of people go for the cheap cheap longer ones and have all sorts of problems burnin things up
That is the real problem, overloading 16 ga cable extension cords. A 16AWG extension cord to run a compressor, straight or rolled will fry.
Use 12 AWG extension cords for general use. This will stand up to most standard uses.
Use heavier gauge wired cable for heavier loads.
Originally Posted by Gumby
Well our anal retentive boss[who was a mechanical engineer ] would go on and on about the effects and how were burning up his equipment not laying them out straight.
The degree does not excuse the mental retardation.