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Old 11-30-2012, 04:13 PM   #10
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Re: East Side Low Life's 1970 GMC

Originally Posted by geezer#99 View Post
It's still for sale.
Will probably never be sold unless they drop the price, answer the phone or emails and let someone come look at it. I tried to look at at it last year. After a month of no response from my inquiries I gave up and moved on.
THere's more trucks out there for half the price.
Maybe it's in the will that if it doesn't sell it goes to some family member ?? And if I was that whoever I'd make sure it didn't sell too lol. But yeah that price is too high in todays market for sure. If that's not the case well whoever is handling the sale of the truck isn't taking it too seriously if they aren't returning inquiries. I've seen many estate sales and sellers like that in general.
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