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Old 11-30-2012, 09:20 PM   #140
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Re: 56 step/C5/C6 Z06 BBC

Originally Posted by Chevette View Post
I made a tracing template with two large washers tacked to a piece of 3/16 plate. Then I traced around it with the plasma torch using a dragging tip. I did remember to "hang it on a nail" when I got finished. My next project is floor boards. I bought a 36" press brake, so I'll make new floor boards (three piece, because of the torque tube) and the firewall. I have a small slip roll I will use to make the hump. A friend of mine has a 10' brake and is going to make the 18G channel pieces so that I can build the bed. Then it's door skins. Having motivational problems when it involves body work.
How's things with you?
gaining slowly sort of steady by jerks. I discovered my pontaic engine was full of water like 3 gallons in the crank case so i am thinking about building a an inline six and a camaro t5 5 speed.the frame is getting closer I need to make a rear cross member then pull it apart for clean up. then the fun body stuff.
I am like you if I would get started id be OKI just have a hell of a time getting anything done this time of year.

Ineed to updade my build thread so you will have somthing to point and laugh at

My GMC build.

Last edited by mknittle; 11-30-2012 at 09:31 PM.
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