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Old 12-02-2012, 12:48 AM   #8
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Re: 71 3/4T Park Brake Cables (D60 Rear)

Originally Posted by SS Tim View Post
Actually the 3955501 does call out your truck by not excluding it. The applications listed are all Dana 5500 IIRC. Hope that someone will step up and confirm or correct me on this. The Dorman nuber specifically crosses to this number. Did you ever download the parts manual I have provided links to in the past?
nope - don't recall seeing it to be honest. but i've downloaded it now! Thanks for cross-ref'ing, I might take my chances with the dorman part. It is odd though - all the other parts places do specifically exclude it, and that takes some effort since the more likely scenario is that they accidentally include a not so common part in a common part number. The fact that it matches the GM # is a good sign though. I'll measure mine and if they look about the same, might go for it. Odd they list 127 and 133 on the same part #. As well as the same number for the leaf exclusion on earlier years.
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