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Old 12-02-2012, 11:55 AM   #1
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Posts: 143
Red face 2005 No crank, No start. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gentlemen, I am sure this has been discussed in this forum, but I cant find it and i need immediate help. I have a 2004 GMC Sierra with the 5.3/4L60e. Leading up to the no crank, no start, the truck died on me on three seperate ocassions, but it would crank back up. Then, it died on me as I was backing out of the drive way and then when I pulled in the driveway a day later, it would no longer crank and or start. If/when you put the key in and and try to crank it, the headlights, radio and battery light on the guages come on but that is it. None of the other lights flash or come as normal. Also, when you turn the key to the on position before cranking, the fuel pump is not coming on either. Now, I have replaced ignition solution. If you cut the lights on and attempt to crank it, the lights do not dim...not a battery issue. At the starter relay, #30 is hot, but #85 is not hot in the key cranking position. I want to think that the problem is in the ignition, but where.

Help me out guys, I do not want to pay for some "ASE GM Mechanic's" Christmas as they trouble shoot my problem over the course of the month of december.
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