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Old 10-24-2003, 12:46 PM   #4
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Posts: 33
Originally posted by ckhd
All the t-221s I've had whine. Some louder than others.
I guess it's not possible to describe the extent or what might be "acceptable" for a whine or a noise. The service manual itself states at the end of the section that a "certain amount of noise" is common or acceptable. The noise I have starts almost immediately from a rolling start and the pitch gets higher the faster the truck rolls and pretty much drops out at about 60 mph. It comes back on deceleration almost to a stop. Since I haven't been in another equipped truck, I have no experience to feel comfortable. I don't think I'm going to live with it. I'm going to pull it back apart or find something else.

What other divorced t-case would be an easy swap? np205?

btw- here is this pos I've given the last 2 years of my life to.

Last edited by fatboy63k10; 10-24-2003 at 12:49 PM.
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