Originally posted by cdowns
first thing i'd check would be the cotter pin and see if it's hitting the dustcap, after that i'd remove the rotor and inspect the spindle and bearings, b-4 replacing the spindle i'd get new bearings and see if that solves the problem
I've checked the cotter pin, that isnt it (I wish I was lucky enought for it to be that easy) and since the noise started I have had differant bearings on there (inner and outer)
-first I had the bearings (inner and outer) that were on there before it started to squeak)
-then I traded rotors and inner bearings with the driver side
-then I bought new outer bearings
and it still sqeaks
So I dont think it is the bearings. The noise me be comming from the bearings, but not because they are bad, it probabally because the spindle is bad and the bearings are not sitting on it correctly. But that is just my thought. I'm going to get a diamiter calibrator and make sure the spnidal is still the same size diamiter all the way around. I think something happened to the spindal when the caliper froze causing everything to get hot, but what I cant fiqure out is why i didnt hear this noise until after i put on a new rotor.
Any more thoughts??