Thread: 4L60E or TH400
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Old 12-06-2012, 10:02 AM   #2
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Re: 4L60E or TH400

my $.02

If it's not a daily driver, I would run the 400. That 4L60E is a good trans but your going to sink some $ into it to make it work. In addition to any internal work and dealing with the computer control, you probably need a 4wd tailhousing. I'm not sure what the output shaft is, but I doubt its a 32 spline that would mate with your current T-case. I assume its a 32 spline np205?

I would find a good gear ratio for the axle based on you engine/trans combo and the on/off road ratio and enjoy it.

I was in a similar situation a month ago. I had a built 700r4 (2wd) and comtemplated doing the same thing. I knew I wanted the best of both worlds and forced myself to sell it and not settle for anything less than the NV4500.

A week later I found one. No regrets. However, mine is a DD and I already had 4:56 gears, so it made more sense in my case.
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