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Old 12-07-2012, 12:14 AM   #11
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Re: The most meticulously documented and maintained 72 Suburban in existence

Welcome back to 1972!. I haven't cleaned it up since the most recent trip, but decided to take some quick photos anyways. More details follow the pictures.

The only things not 1972 in the photos are the cassette deck and the shoulder belts. The shoulder belts were added because the family got tired of being pulled over by state troopers for "not wearing a seat belt". Other than those two items, that's the way it looked going on family trips.

The truck is a 1500 super custom and has 172K miles on it. But, I do need to get the log books out of storage to make sure that the odometer did not rollover twice. The vast majority of the miles are cross country family travel. Some time next year I'll put all the log data in Excel and churn out some numbers.

The engine is a 350. Its most significant event is in the log book photo above at 154047 miles, and can be explained by two words- Quaker State.

The paint is original. The carpet is circa 1972, and the original blue vinyl flooring can be seen underneath it.
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