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Old 12-08-2012, 02:22 PM   #91
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Re: My own build thread

Originally Posted by zippeay View Post
That's a great idea... But I didn't think about that, haha I just put the wheel where it needed to go and welded everything up. If for some reason it's a problem I can cut the welds and bolt it I guess. I don't think it will be a problem though.
Actually the more I think about this I don't know if I'm following you. The only way I would think you could adjust this would be to slot some holes and I'm not sure if I would feel to safe doing that. A stock steering shaft doesn't have adjustment. I've built a few hot rods and I've always done it this way and haven't had any problems. As long as you make sure your seat is in a good spot then the seat adjusts rather than the steering shaft.
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I just drilled and tapped two holes and used allen head bolts and lock nuts. It works good but I hear you on the safety concern. I will probably get mine aligned first and then tack weld it for safety reasons. I've converted to power steering so it a breeze on the steering shaft. If I had manual steering, then I would really have concern.

I'm really enjoying your build thread. I can tell you have really worked your butt off on this project and you're doing a great job. You take chances that most wouldn't dare and if you make a mistake, you fix it, and move forward. That's tough to do raising 6 children! Keep up the good work!
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