Originally Posted by Realnoisy
I just drilled and tapped two holes and used allen head bolts and lock nuts. It works good but I hear you on the safety concern. I will probably get mine aligned first and then tack weld it for safety reasons. I've converted to power steering so it a breeze on the steering shaft. If I had manual steering, then I would really have concern.
I'm really enjoying your build thread. I can tell you have really worked your butt off on this project and you're doing a great job. You take chances that most wouldn't dare and if you make a mistake, you fix it, and move forward. That's tough to do raising 6 children!  Keep up the good work!
Wow, thank you for the compliments! There two things I really don't mess with too much and that is brakes and steering. I had an old friend tell me to never mess around with either, over engineer them and never modify those two things but if you have to use really good parts. Everything else is fair game. I've always tried to follow that because it makes a lot of sense for safety purposes.
I honestly wasn't sure how many people liked my build on here because I'm more into traditional hot rod style stuff than most people seem to be on here but I'm glad you like it. My intention of this build was to build it really nice but still drivable and use as many stock parts as I could instead of buying tubular suspension.
I did that for two reasons, one is because I couldn't afford those things "which in hind site I've still spent a lot and had to spend a ton of time fabricating things" but I like fabricating so I don't see that as a negative. For two I want to show a complete build that other people could follow and hopefully use as a guide for their build instead of searching a bunch of different threads to use as a guide. I know a lot of people would have done things different but hopefully someone finds this thread useful. Again I'm glad you like it, thanks!
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