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Old 12-09-2012, 03:19 PM   #1
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Posts: 18
Rear disc question for the 67-72 community!

Hey everybody,

Well ive been wanting to put rear disc brakes on my trck for a few months now and I am financially ready and work schedule is open.

What I wanted to know from you guys is, where can I purchase the disc brake LINES for front and rear disc brakes from for my 1967 c10?

I have front disc brakes and the lines are mickey moused and im going to change them all. I bought a new brake booster so I just need the lines.

As for the rear disc brakes.. What year make and model vehicle can I get the disc brakes from?

The bracket I can purchase from Captain Fab!

Thank You everybody,

I hope to hear from you!
Any info is great info!
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